Choosing Pots According to Plants

Potted plants have several advantages that you cannot get when planting directly in soil. For example, you can move the location of plants easily, save land, more sterile soil, and provide adjustable water and nutrients.

Plant pots are available in a variety of shapes, colors, and materials. Although the function is the same, some pots do not have good conditions for plants. Therefore, you need to pay attention to these things in choosing a pot according to the needs of your plants.

Choosing a pot means that you need to consider what materials are suitable and the shape that suits your aesthetic style. There are many types of plant potting materials. Ranging from plastic, wood, clay, porcelain, to cement. It doesn't matter what you choose, because they serve the same function as plant containers.


However, a pot that has porosity will do better. The

purpose of these pores is to allow water and air to pass through the walls, cooling the soil, and helping to absorb excess water. This will be very suitable for plants that do not like excess moisture. One of the potting materials that have porosity is clay or terracotta pots.